I remember looking at him struggle through it all at the beginning. I remember longing for the day that I could see him do healthy toddler things, like wiggle away from me during diaper changes, eager to explore, or show me something he's discovered, or fall in love with a super hero.
The last couple months it is evident that he is shedding his fear and embracing his home. He is flourishing today. I showed him his Thomas shoes the other day. His reaction was exactly what I've been longing for. Fearless, confident, eager and responsive. His eyes grew 10 sizes when he saw those shoes. He gasped and screamed "DAAAAHHHDDDDIIIIISSSS!!"
RUNNING to me, he jumped high in the air and plopped his butt down on the floor! He threw his feet at me as if to say "LAY UM ON ME MOMMA!"
Then....... He noticed that with every step, his shoes flashed red.....
Staring at his feet, he beamed as he RAN and JUMPED and CHOOOO CHOOOOOOOed with his hands straight up in the air and SPUN and LAUGHED and fell over from giggles of joy. He hugged Seesee and Yaya (Selah and Olivia) and then me. Over and over and over again. Bliss.
There is redemption in loss. There is hope in suffering. There is joy in mourning. Thomas the Train light up shoes would not have made this boy "choo choo" and hug "Seesee and Yaya" 6 months ago. But long days and nights of holding my son, meeting his needs thousands upon thousands of times, reassuring him that he is safe, loved, forever.... got him here. His history was horrific, but oh sweet relief came to my son when we listened and said yes.
There is GREAT GAIN in sowing our efforts into something other than ourselves. There is great gain in listening to the Spirit of God. In my experience, it's painful to give up what I think I need for the sake of my kids. But man oh man, look at the fruit .... we are beginning to see a confident, talented, hilarious, adventurous little boy who is starting to see past (I would even say, forget) his fears and trauma and find joy in things little boys should find joy in, like super awesome, light up Thomas shoes.
"For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life." (Galatians 6:8)