This is just a really cool picture of a Ylang Ylang plant which is awesome for balancing hormones. Did you know God made this for humans? He is so good to us.
been thinking. So we all have pineal glands.... Pineal glands are in our brain.
Believe it or not, God made you with a pineal gland and it regulates how you
feel everyday. It is the maker of the hormone melatonin and depending on how
much sleep you get depends on how well this hormone is functioning. This tiny
organ regulates your daily and seasonal circadian rhythms (basically the sleep
and wake patters that determine your hormone levels, stress levels and physical
performance!) So when your pineal gland deactivates, you are more prone to feelings
of stress, sadness, anger, anxiousness etc that ALREADY dwell in our depraved, needy, little, human bodies. As a mom, this is devastating on my days trying to speak
lovingly at every moment. Im already struggling with my selfishness, but now,
due to motherhood, I’ve got a deactivated pineal gland a lot of times! Craziness.
But you
know what?! Jesus is stronger than the oceans and far capable of moving
mountains and even more capable of opening your pineal gland and changing your ugly attitude!! What’s also
AWESOME is that he has given us things already here on this earth to that
LITERALLY open the pineal gland. The sun, sleeping in complete darkness,
healthy gut flora from fermented foods (aka probiotics) and ESSENTIAL OILS. All
of these things have the capability to ACTIVATE your pineal glad. God made this
so! God made all of these things to do just that in our bodies! It all brings
us back to an incredible, loving creator from WHOM I find my most JOY!
Only 1%
of plants (that’s crazy) produce an essential oil…. And the ones that do, do
this…. stimulate the immune system, aid in cell growth,
help eliminate toxins, kill bacteria and viruses, balance hormones and more.
Even cooler is that these (1% of) essential
oils have a perfect combination of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen which are THE
SAME COMPOUNDS THE HUMAN BODY IS MADE UP OF, and some oils can penetrate through the blood/brain barrier!!! (that’s freaking cool and clearly intentional)
body is like “HEY!!! I
KNOW YOU!!! Come on in!” Then what we see happening is these things literally
working to heal, improve function and balance, OPEN PINEAL GLANDS and a million
other things! You guys, this is not hippy, new agey stuff!! (although some people distort Gods gifts!) Its not against
biblical truth or causing me to run to oils for relief from hard days that ONLY
Jesus can heal, this is simply a means to which I cry out ABBA FATHER, THANK
YOU!! The sun, darkness, probiotics and essential oils were all created by a
good loving Father who knew EXACTALY what our physical bodies needed to thrive!
picture is from a study done that took 14 people and had them think of things that made them have a specific emotion for an amount of time.Then they took pictures to show what your physical
body looks like under the pressure of your emotions. Just an interesting picture
and I thought it was fitting here. Thank God, this is not all a surprise to Him,
since he made us this way and always gives us what we need in Him and through