Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Essential Oils and Health Food Stores

Why you should choose Young Living over Health Food Store oils? "They're cheaper and it says they're organic."
The oils from Young Living are 100% pure. Nothing added. Nothing taken away. They are not laced with synthetics that are harmful and dangerous, and they are not lab replicated. They're not cut with a carrier oil (unless you purchase a roll-on which has a carrier specifically so you don't have to carry it with you). It's taken directly from the plant. This gives peace of mind that even a 100% organic label from another company can't give me. Additionally, Young Living is the ONLY essential oil company in the world that owns their own farms to grow their crop. Every other company buys their product at some point. Young Living tests and maintains pure, organic, therapeutic grade from the time the seed is put into the ground to the time it's sealed into the bottle.Therapeutic grade oils are almost never sold in retails stores. They might be organic, but they distill it in a way that is cheaper and faster (hence the cheaper price tag) which kills the compounds that make up the molecules; meaning that the healing properties are gone.  So, don’t expect healing properties from them.

When oils are distilled at low temp, low pressure the healing properties are preserved, but it takes a lot of time and a lot more money to do it that way. Over 90% of the oils that are sold as “essential” in America are food or fragrance grades and are NOT suitable for healing applications. Young Living oils are safe to apply, diffuse AND ingest... because they are 100% organic. If you see "do not ingest" on the bottle, run in the other direction because you're basically buying it for the smell only. Just like the food industry, "legally" there only has to be 10% of the actual oil in there to be considered 100% peppermint (or whatever oil it is)... which is part of the reason Young Living oils are so great- there are no fillers, additives, etc etc. Truly, you get what you pay for with essential oils.

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