Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Cool stories, Gods role, and One More Step Closer!

Hi guys!

We wanted to update you all on some progress we (God) has made towards bringing home our baby. Can I just tell you about our Garage Sale?? God brought us SOOOO many buyers! It was really unbelievable. We had a ton of big items! A ton! And we sold maybe a handful of them. Most of what we sold was clothes (50c each) and knick knacks (25c-maybe $1). We made.... are you ready for this? We made $5,360 from clothes and knick knacks. :) I am not kidding you, it was literally like fishes and loaves. On the first day I thought, "At the rate these people are buying clothes, we will run out in a few hours!".... the piles never moved... they were always massive and the people kept coming...buying 5-10 trader joes bags worth. Im not even kidding. It was AMAZING. I just kept thinking of this verse, "I am God and there is no other, I am God and there is none like me, no. My Counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose." Isaiah 46:9-10 We are so confident that this is where the Lord is leading us, we could not be more thrilled. God is bringing this baby home, not us :)

God is so good and we have been able to plow through several things on our "paper chase" list. (Its such a crazy list, it really is). God has provided us a Notary that has a million connections to us! She loves Jesus just like we do, so she is praying through the process with us! What a sweet blessing from the Lord knowing that he is taking care of this even in small ways like placing God fearing, traveling Notaries in our laps. 

Proof that Gods got this:
All last week and these last few days, I have been trying to get an appointment with a Psychologist because China wants to make sure we aren't crazy. I should first mention that this Psychological evaluation was going to be very expensive. I literally went down the ENTIRE list (Probably about 25 offices) on our insurance and I am not kidding you, NONE of them answered the phone, all week. What in the world? Thats so weird right?? I finally reached someone yesterday and they said they would call me back....but they never did. Today I received a phone call from our social worker. At the last second before we hung up I decided to ask him about the Psych Eval since I was having so much trouble getting an appointment booked. He told me that the Psych Eval is only needed if... in a nut shell, we are crazy or have every been crazy :) SO, again, God is so good even in unanswered phone calls! We could have already had our evaluations done and paid a ton of money for them, plus notarization ($$)... all for nothing! But God knew we didn't need it, so now the week long of uninsured phone calls makes a whole lot of sense. I really need to trust Him more :) 

The last cool thing going on over in this neck of the woods (not really, because we live in the dessert) is that as we have been praying about our next financial step in getting baby boy home from China. In doing so, 500 lightbulbs went off in my head. I LOVE learning about holistic, nutrient dense ways to fuel our bodies, I love sharing it and I love seeing my family and friends thrive from what Ive learned! I do NOT do it perfectly because sometimes I have absolutely NO self control, but I will tell you this, it works 100%. Call me crazy, call me a tree hugger, call me intense, call it impossible.... all I know is that my allergy infested kids are thriving and we are not perfect! "How?", you ask? By eating nutrient dense foods as much as possible, avoiding processed foods as much as I can, and ESSENTIAL OILS! I know, I know, not ANOTHER oily freak... I got you. But I can tell you from my experience, and you all have watched our journey over the last couple of years, that they absolutely work and every single person that gets their hands on them wants more. 

SO with all that, I believe the Lord has graciously guided me (and I fought this idea hard! Just ask Meg Henning ;) to start selling what I am so passionate about and what I have already been selling for the last year without making a penny, only because I wanted to share what I had discovered! Except this time, I get to give people the oils that have changed our lives and bring my baby home at the same time! Im so excited! 

So if you have been wanting to try essential oils, don't go to amazon (for these reasons), don't go to your health store (for these reasons) come to US! Yep thats right, Donnie is pumped about oils too! Help us bring our son One Step Closer to Home!

Essential Oils and Health Food Stores

Why you should choose Young Living over Health Food Store oils? "They're cheaper and it says they're organic."
The oils from Young Living are 100% pure. Nothing added. Nothing taken away. They are not laced with synthetics that are harmful and dangerous, and they are not lab replicated. They're not cut with a carrier oil (unless you purchase a roll-on which has a carrier specifically so you don't have to carry it with you). It's taken directly from the plant. This gives peace of mind that even a 100% organic label from another company can't give me. Additionally, Young Living is the ONLY essential oil company in the world that owns their own farms to grow their crop. Every other company buys their product at some point. Young Living tests and maintains pure, organic, therapeutic grade from the time the seed is put into the ground to the time it's sealed into the bottle.Therapeutic grade oils are almost never sold in retails stores. They might be organic, but they distill it in a way that is cheaper and faster (hence the cheaper price tag) which kills the compounds that make up the molecules; meaning that the healing properties are gone.  So, don’t expect healing properties from them.

When oils are distilled at low temp, low pressure the healing properties are preserved, but it takes a lot of time and a lot more money to do it that way. Over 90% of the oils that are sold as “essential” in America are food or fragrance grades and are NOT suitable for healing applications. Young Living oils are safe to apply, diffuse AND ingest... because they are 100% organic. If you see "do not ingest" on the bottle, run in the other direction because you're basically buying it for the smell only. Just like the food industry, "legally" there only has to be 10% of the actual oil in there to be considered 100% peppermint (or whatever oil it is)... which is part of the reason Young Living oils are so great- there are no fillers, additives, etc etc. Truly, you get what you pay for with essential oils.

Essential Oils and Amazon

Why you should not buy Young Living Essential oils online, and that used to be me! Until I learned this:

There are many reasons not to buy oils on Amazon. Many are pretty scary and concern your health and your family's health. We know that you can get YL oils for cheaper on Amazon and that's tempting (we all want to save money), but you have to think about how/why they're cheaper. Here are a few things to consider.

1. You can't guarantee that the oil that is in that bottle is pure. What if they filled it with carrier oil or a cheaper oil to make a buck? It's so easy to reseal bottles, it's crazy.
You simply buy the lid with the seal attached and push it on. You can get them in bulk for next to nothing in price. When you buy YL oils, you're PAYING for quality of product. There isn't product on the market that is better than YL when it comes to quality. NONE. So why give that up for a couple of bucks?

2. We KNOW that Young Living's lowest price given is the distributor price (which we get), so why would anyone ever buy an oil and then sell it for cheaper? That makes no sense unless the oil that they're selling isn't a sealed, new bottle of YL oil.

3. You have no way to verify how old the oil is that's being sold or how it's been stored. Storage is important in oils (just like in wine). Even if it's 100% pure it can go bad if you store it wrong. Stored properly, it can last forever.

4. This article just came out and it confirms everything we were worried about Amazon YL oils: When you buy from YL you have a guarantee that your oils is going to be 100% pure and of the highest quality. If you don't like it or if something is wrong, you can return it. We know you'll love it just as all of the Lemon Droppers do, but if there is ever anything wrong with your order, call customer service or hop on live chat and they will fix it for you!